Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One crazy day at the Office.

Oh man! Today was SUCH a crazy day at work. So, let me just tell you, its not so fun when ones boss takes the day off without notice, and everyone else then thinks they have dibs on all you time. At first it was cool, the first person i talked to gave me a stack of...oh 400 papers to be sorted into the files, but im used to doing that. But as soon as she handed them to me, the man in the office next door realized he could use my help! So i had to postpone my first job to make him a binder of these map things....anyway, long story. But while i was doing that, he got a call from a man downstairs who wanted my help too, so off i go to meet my new employer when he hands me a 750 buck GPS system. THIS is why i like my job tho. All Fridays from now until i finish, i spend 3 hours wandering around EVER LAST INCH of this campus plotting all the fire hydrants on this grid(that i made later on that day, instructed to my by a different person). So he took me out for a few min to teach me how to use this expensive, and Oh so pretty piece of equipment. Its pretty easy actually, thank goodness. It reminds me of my old scuba days and underwater navigation. Anyways. After i finish that with him, i come back upstairs to finish putting together this binder when i hear "where is Laura". This made me excited, because i recognized this as the voice of the SUPER HOT man who works there, and i just LOVE talking too. I think he has a thing for me too...;) jk, i wish. Anyway so he rushes into my office and says, "your not busy right now are you?" and being me of course i say no. So he hands me the key that lets me through all the doors warning me of all the hazardous waist products Im encountering while walking to the side yard of our building. I always like going back there tho, it makes me feel sophisticated and special that i have a key to go places others cant. Anyway, he needed me to fill some fire extinguishers asap cuz he ran out of time b4 his class that he was teaching just then. So off i go to fill the fire extinguishers.... i get there and realize.... they are a different kind, and im filling them with a different gas, hence a different machine than normal....uhh ohh. But i CANT dissapoint this guy. So off i go trying to figure out how to make it work! I only messed up once. i pulled some lever that like...started shooting all the pressure out at my face! That was exciting! it took me a few min to figure out how to put it back to the way it was after that. But then i found what i was looking for and it was pretty smooth sailing from there, only a few sprays of unknown gases into my face from the pressurized hose. I finished all that, dropped the key off with him again, and went back upstairs to resume the first job i had been handed for the day. (i had only been at work 45 min by now). So i start sorting through all the papers, and alphabetizing them, and filing them and sorting and all that fun stuff, when the super hot guy comes back up. He came into my office and sat there and we talked for a bit about his life, job etc, and things. Then me. So that took up about an hour of my time, and that was So fun! But then he had to go, cuz he got a call. And i got back to my work, sorted all the papers, and only had to stop once to do a quick favor for this one random lady who i had never met b4. But then i was done, i don't know if any day at work has ever gone by so quickly before. I really enjoyed it.


Anonymous said...

wow. that sounds quite exciting. i know what you mean about people asking you to do work when the boss is gone. i had that today too. only, i got stuck addressing and stamping some brochures to be mailed. oh well.

Anna said...

That GPS thing sounds neato!!! I wish I had a job as cool as yours!!!

Jessica said...

Super hot guys. Yes. Especially one's in yellow cars :)

Jessica said...

Where's your CV blogggggggg?