Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My life as of now.

So as i was sitting at my desk, i decided it was about time to take a break from my MC Web homework, which, if for me there was one thing that would drive me to suicide, would be these. Oh, and even tho God created the earth, Im pretty sure the devil made chem. But im not writing to complain about school or anything actually, cuz im pretty happy with life. Im liking my classes, even tho im pretty worried about doing well with these 20 units this quarter. I also love my job and boss(and the constant flow of money), but life becoming more and more busy, im not sure how much longer i can keep it. Im SUPER excited for when the summer comes a long, im just so ready to have an apartment and have a super awesome room mate(thats u Jessica!) However, now im worried i might not be able to get back into the summer classes i was enrolled in previous to my mysterious drop of all classes. Which is also frustrating, cuz now that my family is out of America, i have no credit card that is big enough that will hold the price of these classes. Hmmm, what do i do. Well i know God has it All under control. I think that is the best thing, that even tho i freak out a lot about everything that seems to always go wrong in my life, God is always there to make it even better than i wished it was. Maybe my summer classes will be even better than the ones i was previously enrolled in, or maybe now i will have an awesome Lab partner that i wouldn't have had in my first chem lab. I dont know, but im excited to find out... I think i love the unexpectedness and constant change going on in my life. It has been a good teacher, and it shapes me more and more to who i think God wants me to become.

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