Thursday, April 17, 2008

1039 E!!!

My new favorite place!!! This is my soon to be HOME in Campus Village!!! WHOOO HOO!!! This is the most exciting thing EVER! After 5 year, FIVE Long years living in dorms, with like 50 other girls, i am FINALLY GETTING AN APARTMENT. Im sure everyone is excited for their first apartment of their own. To everyone its a great new experience. But this is something more to me. This has been my dream since before i can remember. The day i can organize my own living place, when i have a kitchen to myself (and my other room mates of course too, but they are awesome, so its ok, and easier to keep in line, haha), I will have a place to call my own, a living room! That i can fill with my belongings. I will have a home. Wow, a home, my first one since i was...8? Funny how my home is just a temporary living place for everyone else who lives there, but to me, its my home now. And before i am even moved in, looking at my new, beautiful apartment, i cant even begin to describe the excitement and anticipation of the joys i know are ahead of me there.Thank you God, it was hard to be patient all these years and wait for it. But now i can see why His timing is the best; because it make me appreciate His gifts even more.


Jessica said...

Heyhey! Our apartment is so beautiful. And I slightly resent the fact that you think I will need to be kept in line. I love you!!

Anna said...

How wonderful! You captured the joy of having a place of your own so well! I need to come visit :D This summer, maybe?