Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thoughts durring a run...

So i got the new Rec Release for the summer this weekend when i stopped by the arc for some fun. As i was looking through it i got really excited for the summer. I am going to have a lot of free time that i can spend doing a lot of different things. It might be difficutl deciding however what i should concentrate on with so many exciting things comming my way. I am so ready to use the pool on a dayly basis, it is such a nice pool. Also the arc is still offering their normal exercise classes, so i might just have to check out some of those. There are also a few dance calsses that looked interesting, however i wouldnt take those unless someone took them with me (girl or guy, i just want someone to go with). Then i was also looking at some of the other sports that they like, offer classes for and not that i want to take those...but it made me think of all the things i wanted to do more of. I decided i wanted to play some tennis this summer, and get good at it. Anyone want to join me! It could be some good fun. But after all this, there was one add that really caught my attention. The one on the right. So i have kinda been wanting to do a triathalon since i got back to america. And this is like PERFECT opportunity!!! Im not positive ill do it. But im going to start training for it! Which i needs to get on the ball with running swimming and Biking!!! But it looks so fun and i am So ready to give it a try!
Today was my first "official day" of training. I decided to go for a run. I didnt want to do it indoors, and i most deff did NOT want to run around ring road like lots of ppl seem to do. So i thought, where do i want to hills! Oh and it was So worth it! For the next hour and a half i ran around all sorts of roads, looking at all sorts of beautifull houses and cars. Oh MAN our profs have some NICE suff. It made me want to become a prof just so i could live up there. Its amazing. And the best part was the VIEW. You woudl never have known it, but when you get near the back of the complex you reach the top of a hill that lets you look over all of camps and then farthur onto OC. It is SUCH an awesome view, and the hill is covered in all sorts of unique plants and cacti(sp?). I stopped there for a litte taking it in. Unfortunatly i didnt have my camera or i woudl have tried to capture it for you all, but maybe you just need to come running with me instead ;)
So also as i was running, looking at all the beautifull houses i began to think about it. Like, how much i envied them at that time. I always say i want to be poor, and that made me question, do i really actually want that? Cuz i seem pretty attracted to money and material things. Although the answer is yes to that, i also find wasnt so much the extravagence of the houses themselves, but really rather the having of them. Having a house with a few, and a porch, and a balcony and garden. It was so nice, it is so simple,but those are the things that i miss. I dont know what i would do to have some of those things. But this is where the exciting news comes in too! next year, i CAN. Although not quite to the scail as the people in University hills, i WILL have a balcony, and i can make the view special with the Garden i hope to plant in some window boxes maybe. I know that sounds lame, but i love flowers and plants and watchign things grow. I think flowers are a special gift from God that are purly for us to see his marvelous beauty through. Well i know this is a pretty random spurattic post, but, just what has been running through my mind. I hope you enjoyed the little glimps of it. And if you have any feelings about how i should spend my SUMMER!!! Do feel free to shair, i love imput! ;)


Jessica said...

I'll play tennis with you.

But I won't dance.

Padfoot240 said...
