Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This is why i Love the Rain.

Monday morning it was raining. Not a heavy rain, just a light drizzle. It was nice.

  • Waking up in a nice warm bed and opening the window to the cool breeze, and the smell of rain.
  • Riding my bike to work i got to feel the freshness blow onto my face in little droplets.
  • As i walked out of work after the rain, all the little snails had come out and were wandering around the sidewalk. I know not normally the most loved form of nature, but i think they are cute with their big eyes and swirly shells.
  • The smell of rain, before, during and after. From a pungent sweet smell, to a cool hard smell, to a clean, earthy smell. I love after the rain, when the smells of the earth is just everywhere and it feels like its revived and ready to grow.
  • The clouds cradling the buildings in their enveloping cradles. On my way to bio on the roof of SH, i felt like safe and protected by the clouds all around. All you could see was the trees below.
  • Everything now looks clean and fresh. The sky is now bright and clear, the ground is now filling with fresh growth.
  • It reminds me of when i was young in Washington. Of all the days me and my sister would play, and dance in the rain. Walking back from school absolutely drenched, the smell of our yard after the torrents. Splashing through the puddles in my Dads boots to go feed our animals.
  • It reminds me of Yemen, of the Monsoon seasons once a year, August. Always right around my birthday when every day was bright and sunny until 2:30, when on the dot the rain would poor. The warm, sweet rain that would come and wash all the dust out of the sky and off the buildings. When i used to go up on the roof and enjoy the full force of the huge drops splatter all around me.
This is why i love the rain...

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